
Hopes After Flooding
2010/08/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



It has been almost a year since the flood occurred last year on August 8th. Although, the reconstruction in JiaMu Village of Wu Tai township remains slow, the survivors are filled with hope and optimism, knowing that one day, they will be able to rebuild their homes.

Picking up his 5 month old son, Hsu Ren hui, part of the JiaMu rescue team hero, proudly play with his healthy boy who was 3 months during the 88 flood,

for which, the Hsu family is grateful and believe that the child is a gift from above.

During holidays and weekend, the baby would often go out with his dad who teaches outdoor survival class, as he will also learn all the important skills by watching his dad as he grows up.

At the annual Harvest celebration, Hsu took the whole family to the event dressed in white traditional costumes.

Other team members, Ko Hsin Hsiung and Lai Mon Chuan also returned to celebrate with the tribe.

This years celebration is forced to be held off the mountains for JiaMu village is almost the same condition the flood left it,

with half of the village still gone with road still not paved for easy access.

When the weather is nice, villagers would try to fix the road for they have never given up hope on their homeland.

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關鍵字flooding after Hopes Hsu Ren hui harvest celebration Ko Hsin Hsiung
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