
A Money Making Campus
2010/08/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



The Chiayi County's Yi Ren elementary school is a true supporter for a greener environment. Its solar power system cuts down the electricity bill for the school, while earning up to 500, 000 NT dollars by providing electricity for 20 families.

More the 300 solar panels were installed at the rooftop of the elementary school.

As long as the sun is out, the school can make extra cash.

And in order to cultivate the carbon reduction concept in the students lives, the school created the solar car that can move around on solar power.

The students are happy to know that school can even make money off the electricity those solar panels generated.

The school can sell off extra electricity that would be enough for 20 families to use to Taipower, and by doing so, it can earn around NT$500,000 per year.

The solar power generator is set up in the library, allowing students to witness the transformation of solar energy, first hand, while monitor together the total electricity generated and stored.

Thus, the staff and students body of the school are always happy to see the sun out.

The elementary school makes the perfect example for a carbon reduction campus.

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關鍵字Chiayi county Yi Ren elementary school Greener environment solar Power system electricity bill rooftop panels carbon reduction campus
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