
Selling Popsicles to Make a Living
2010/08/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



Three young girls in Pingshi of Taipei County are making their grandmother's life easier by managing a Popsicle business on their own.

While the grandmother is running her grocery store and taking care of their grandfather who is sick in bed,

the girls commit their summer making some extra cash for the family.

Three girls ages 12, 10 and 9 are selling Popsicles and they even know how to negotiate with customers.

The three girls didn't play around during their summer vacations, instead, they are selling Popsicles for their 70 year-old grandma.

Their effort paid off as more children are buying Popsicles from them.

The girls felt bad that their grandma has to sell Popsicles on the street of ShiFen while taking care of a small grocery store as they would also clean up, stock up, make coffee and help with massaging their grandpa, who is suffering from stroke and resting in bed.

Though they are not used to house chores, it's not hard to see that they have tried their best.

The happiest vacation for the three girls is not playing around but to spend time with their grandparents during every winter and summer vacations.

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關鍵字Pingshi Taipei county Popsicle BUSINESS grocery store house chores
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