
Healthier Betel Nuts?
2010/08/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



For betel nut fans who worry about potential risks of oral cancer, there may be a healthier choice now. A new kind of betel nut is available in Taitung, in which mint-flavored gum is used to replace some of the cancer-inducing ingredients. But doctors say the new product isn't as safe as it is claimed to be.

A betel nut stall in Taitung has confused and intrigued passers-by with its latest product, which is called "gum-flavored betel nut." But what exactly is that?

By appearance, it's just a conventional betel nut wrapped with gum sticks. And does it taste good? Well, at least this man doesn't think so.

But according to the vendor who came up with this idea, the value of his new product goes beyond mere taste.

By substituting gum for traditional ingredients such as lime, the new product greatly reduces the risks of oral cancer. And with the new recipe, these betel nuts won't leave red stains in the mouth after being chewed.

As attractive as it sounds, doctors say that this improved version is still far from safe, for aside from lime, betel nut itself also contains substances that may lead to cancer, and its crude fiber is harmful to the oral cavity.

So, in order to keep oral cancer at bay, quitting betel nuts altogether may remain the best strategy so far.

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關鍵字Healthier Betel Nut oral Cancer gum-flavored Betel Nut mint-flavored gum harmful
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