
Hazards of Internet Addiction
2010/08/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



As teenagers nowadays embrace the web for its convenience, many have revealed worrying signs of Internet addiction, such as spending more than 8 hours per day online. Experts warn that overuse of the Internet may blur the line between cyberspace and reality in teenagers' perception, which can eventually damage their mental and physical health.

Summer vacation is coming to an end.

But there are still many students playing on-line games at internet cafe in the last week before the new semester begins.

They spend long hours at Internet cafe.

This can cause both mental and physical health issues.

According to Tri-Service General Hospital, which has conducted a behavioral survey on students of a certain high school over the years, 18% of surveyed teenagers develop an Internet addiction, which can cause problems in learning and difficulty controlling impulses.

Internet addiction is defined as Internet use of more than eight hours a day or loss of control over the use of Internet.

Once an addiction is developed, teenagers may easily get confused between the virtual world and the real world.

This has the potential to affect school performance and relationships with friends or family and this addiction may get recognized by the Official Book of Mental Disorders in the next version.

Doctors say those with Internet addiction will first deny having such problem.

But family members should assist them to get proper treatment as soon as possible to avoid further problems.

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關鍵字INTERNET Addiction convenience online cyberspace
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