
Artist Supports Protest
2010/08/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Artist Chen Chie-ren's is doing more than just displaying his works at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Chen expresses his disapproval regarding the large number of foreign exhibitions that are held, saying that it's becoming business oriented, rather than focusing its priority on the artworks.

In protesting, Chen has stated that this will be his last showcase at this particular museum.

Artist Chen Chi-ren's "On the Edge of the Empire" personal exhibit will start on the 28th at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. But there were protestors at the scene, who are temporary workers from Taichung's National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

They complained temp workers should become full time workers. Chen showed his support with action. Chen believes the Taipei Fine Arts Museum should be a public space to discuss modern art.

But over these past few years, the museum has brought in too many foreign exhibitions and has become too commercialized. To protest, Chen said this will be his last exhibition at the museum. Former Taipei Fine Arts Museum director Hsieh Shiao-yun said it's also the museum's responsibility to attract more visitors.

Chen took direct actions, such as letting museum workers air their opinion and discussing the museum's position, hoping that everyone will think about the problems with the museum.

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關鍵字artist CHEN Chie-ren Supports Protest Taipei fine arts Museum on The Edge of The Empire Taichung's national TAIWAN Museum of fine arts
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