
Suspected of Bribery
2010/09/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Prosecutors are now looking into the matter of whether Taichung DPP candidate Su Jia-chuan has committed an electoral bribery when he gave 20,000 NT dollars to Taichung Shiyuan High School Baseball Team last month.

In his own defense, Su questioned prosecutors' equity and standards on such cases, arguing that his opponent Jason Hu was not suspected of bribery when he invited other baseball players to a tuna feast.

ShiYuan high school baseball head coach Huang Wu Hsiung has to go to the police station on Wednesday to be questioned on accepting NT$20,000 food subsidy from Taichung city DPP mayoral candidate Lionel Su.

The prosecutor was tipped off that Su's act was suspected of bribery and Huang felt as if he was questioned like a criminal.

Su made an announcement in the morning saying that politic is now involved in sports.

Su said that the money he gave was purely based on the spirit of the sports and to encourage the players for the students are not old enough to vote and brought up the fact the Jason Hu also treated people tuna and was not charged with bribery.

The Taichung prosecutor office said that, it took action based on the information it received, while Huang was asked to assist with the investigation and was not interrogated.

If needed, Su would be asked to explain the situation, it is not a preferential treatment to the pan blue party

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關鍵字Taichung Shiyuan HIGH school baseball team electoral bribery Taichung prosecutor Office
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