
Tsao Makes Tearful Apology
2010/09/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Former Brother Elephants pitcher Tsao Jing-huei was detained for interrogation on Thursday over his alleged involvement in baseball game fixing. Tsao was later released and he gave a tearful apology to the fans in front of the media, asking for a chance to take the mound again.

After 6 hours in the court, Tsao Jing Huei walked out of the court and face the media. When he talked about what had happened, he could not stop but kept wiping tears off his face and admits his wrong doing.

Tsao said he did accept the special treatment from illegal gambling group but did not participate in game fixing.

Tsao was arrested because he ignored the courts order to appear as witness back in April and on June first, Tsao flew to the U.S. and was ordered by the courst for the same reason on June 8th, which he didnt know about.

After Tsao was released from the Brother Elephant team after the game fixing scandal, he flew to the U.S. to try out for independent league, however, he didnt do well there, thus returned to Taiwan trying to find other options.

Tsaos fans were thrilled when he first returned to Taiwan to play after he played in the MLB, now, many fans are sorry to see him get involved in such scandal

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關鍵字Tsao Jing-huei baseball GAME fixing Former Brother Elephants MLB
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