
Winery Transformed
2010/09/05 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



The site of a former winery is being transformed into a cultural park for the public, which aims to incorporate brewery equipment of the past with and art performances and exhibitions. The new park is expected to open next year.

The Taiwan Design Expo last year attracted more than 400,000 visitors, who explored the creativities of new generations in the old buildings.

Known as a legendary Taiwanese opera performer, Liao Chung-ji is a highly valued teacher, who introduces fans to the beauty of the traditional art form in a workshop held at the Taichung Winery.

The 94-year-old establishment was built in 1916.

The five buildings that were used to store wine are now made into exhibition spaces.

The boiling room gives visitors a sneak peak of the historical changes in wine-making.

The machine repairing room has been turned into an exhibition area for wine culture.

In addition to cultural and creative exhibitions, this park is to combine the culture of wine, introducing its diverse offerings to visitors.

Mr. Lai, who has lived in the neighborhood for more than 30 years, says that the winery has been a collective memroy of local residents and after the transformation, the cultural park provides more beautiful landscape and leisure spaces.

The renovation project is estimated to be done in June next year, where visitors get to appreciate the historical site in a whole new way.

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關鍵字winery transformed Cultural Park incorporate brewery equipment past Art performances exhibitions TAIWAN design Expo wine
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