
A Common Goal
2010/09/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



Internationally renowned primatologist, Dr. Jane Goodall participated in a tree planting ceremony in Shimen Township of Taipei County alongside President Ma Ying-jeou on Sunday morning.

Ma and Goodall jointly planted seeds of Chinese Fan Palm, in support of the "Roots and Shoots" Program, a global organization targeting

in making the world a better place.

Despite drizzle, President Ma Ying-jeou and Dr. Jane Goodall planted trees with their own hands and gave their best wishes.

Dr. Goodall will commemorate Gombe 50, the Jane Goodall Institute's global 50th anniversary celebration of her pioneering chimpanzee research and inspiring vision for our future.

In an effort to celebrate the primatologist's work, President came to the Laomei elementary school in Shimen Township of Taipei County to plant trees with fifty families.

According to President Ma, although Taiwan is not involved in any international organizations which promote environmental protection, Taiwan will do its best to go green and preserve the earth.

But a sudden rain interrupted the ceremony, which Dr. Goodall believes is a sign that plants will grow better.

Many parents also joined the ceremony with their children to teach them about the importance of environmental protection.

The organizer arranged Chinese Fan Palm, which is native to Taiwan, to be planted at the ceremony, as to raise awareness about plant conservation.

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關鍵字common Goal internationally Renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall President MA Ying-jeou Shimen Township Roots and Shoots palm
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