
Brushes for Braces
2010/09/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Four high school seniors from Taichung have recently invented a toothbrush made especially for people who have braces. The now patent creation is on their way for an exhibition in Singapore.

20-year old Ms. Chen heads to the restroom with a toothbrush and interspace cleaner after every meal to make sure that food particles don't become lodged in her braces.

People that wear braces often struggle with oral hygiene, and four Stella Matutina Girls' High School seniors recently designed a new type of dual-use combination toothbrush-interspace cleaners.

The sharp end of the toothbrush is able to reach into the cracks between teeth and around braces.

Ms. Chen is more than happy to test the toothbrush out. After eating a cookie, she brushes her teeth with the special toothbrush and discovers that it indeed dislodges all the cookie crumbs.

The students recently submitted their design at an invention exhibition in Singapore, and have successfully secured a patent.

In the future, those with braces will no longer have to tote around multiple oral hygiene products.

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關鍵字Brushes for Braces HIGH school seniors Taichung toothbrush design invention exhibition Singapore
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