
Reshuffle of Hau's Team
2010/09/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The embattled mayor of Taipei, Hau Lung-bin, announced on Monday the resignation of three key members of his team, including deputy mayor Lee Yong-ping. Although Hau denied any link between their departure and the upcoming election, the move has widely been interpreted as an attempt to salvage his campaign.

The controversy over the Xinsheng Overpass reconstruction project and the Flora Expo continues to simmer. Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin held a press conference Monday evening, announcing a readjustment of his administration and that he approved the resignations of his deputy mayor Lee Yong-pin, advisor Chuang Wen-ssu and secretary Ren Shiao-chi.

Hau stressed the resignations had nothing to do with the elections.

Lee also said her resignation was not related to the election.

The recent crisis has certainly embattled the Hau administration, which seeks re-election.

The three who resigned and Law Regulation Commission head Yeh Ching-yuan are known as the gang of four by party insiders.

The source accused Hau of being over-reliant on his inner circle, overestimating his ability and underestimating that of his opponents

Now the mayor has approved their resignations and established another task force.

Five outside experts including Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp chairman Ou Chin-der, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology construction engineering professor Lee Hsien-heng, stage director Stan Lai, will be hired to "thoroughly examine" the flora expo, which is his administration's latest effort to turn the situation around.

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關鍵字deputy Reshuffle Hau's team embattled Mayor Hau Lung-bin LEE Yong-ping deputy Mayor
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