
Backing Hau, Ma Warns Dpp
2010/09/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



President Ma Ying-jeou once again defended Taipei's beleaguered mayor Hau Lung-bin on Friday, cautioning that to sabotage the Flora Expo won't necessarily bring political advantage to the DPP, but will definitely hurt Taiwan in many ways.

Anxious about Typhoon Fanapi, President Ma and the government prepare safety precautions.

But another issue that has been bothering the president is the Flora Expo controversy, which is posing as a detriment to Taipei City Mayor Hau's chances of getting relected for a second term.

President Ma is advising Mayor Hau to face public doubt head on, and urging the DPP to support the Flora Expo as they had with the Kaohsiung World Games in 2009.

Ma commented further that the DPP will gain nothing by sabotaging the Flora Expo and will only end up hurting Taiwan as a whole.

President Ma says his intention is to push Taiwan into the global spotlight through the Flora Expo exhibition, and reminded the public of Hau's success with the last year's Deaflympics event.

To support Taipei Mayor Hau, President Ma simultaneously channels his role as KMT chair and former Taipei City mayor.

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關鍵字event Deaflympics Expo Flora The DPP Warns Ying-jeou MA President Lung-bin Hau Mayor beleaguered Taipei's
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