
Keelung's Water Woes
2010/09/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:基隆市報導



With the typhoon leaving sooner than predicted, stores and vendors at Keelung's tourist sites were quick to resume business on Sunday afternoon. But as the city is still facing a shortage of water supply, the early departure of the storm may prove to be a downside for the local residents.

As Typhoon Fanapi arrives in Taiwan, the rain and wind pick up in the northern area in the morning.

Keelung Fire Department sends out fire engines with frequent radio contact to ensure the safety of the area during this high alert period.

Meanwhile, the coast guards are also

However, Fanapi came and left like a whirlwind, and didn't linger long in the northern part of the island.

Therefore, by the early evening, all the stalls and stores in Keelung nightmarket have opened up, ready to make some money.

Also, many families have gathered at the shore to watch the swells and waves splashing on the rocks.

As a result, fishmarket at Bisha and Badouzi are also thriving with business.

However, all in Keelung may not be rosy. Due to the fact that Keelung did not get enough rainfall from the typhoon, the Water Company said that it will be under water restriction in the near future in order to tackle the problem on water shortage.

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關鍵字rainfall enough Nightmarket department fire Keelung leave typhoon WIND Woes Water Keelung
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