
Disinfecting Mission
2010/09/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



In fear of the rapid spread of dengue fever as a result, the members of the Environmental Protection Bureau are carrying out a disinfecting mission, targeting the flooded locations around town. While at it, the public are highly advised to take part in their own cleaning procedure.

Typhoon Fanapi caused severe flooding and transformed dirt roads into muddy rivers across southern Taiwan.

Many residents of Kaohsiung and Pingtung are dealing with flooded homes, and water is receding to reveal mountains of trash and debris.

To prevent the spread of disease, the Kaohsiung City Government began decontaminating flooded areas on Tuesday morning.

As Kaohsiung City has accounted for nearly 50% of this year's 212 domestic Dengue fever cases, including two cases of Dengue hemorrhagic fever. The Centers for Disease Control is calling on residents to get rid of potential mosquito breeding grounds by cleaning out water containers.

The CDC further recommends that patients with chronic conditions should wear gloves and galoshes when cleaning out their homes to prevent contracting leptospirosis and meliodoisis through contaminated water.

Water should also be thoroughly boiled before drinking to avoid gastrointestinal tract infections.

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關鍵字disinfecting Mission Environmental Protection Bureau flooded cleaning procedure typhoon Fanapi Southern TAIWAN Kaohsiung City government CDC
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