
Calligraphy Inspiration
2010/09/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Ancient Chinese calligraphy is about to come to life on stage in the latest work of the acclaimed Cloud Gate Dance Theater. Inspired by theories of a Tang-dynasty calligrapher, the new performance explores the infinite possibilities between choreography and artistic writing.

Covered with white Marley, the set looks like a piece of rice paper, onto which images of drifting clouds in different degrees of blackness are projected. They look like flowing ink, creating exquisite spaces that are constantly shifting. The total effect reminds one of Chinese classical landscape painting, leaving room for audience to imagine and dream.

Following the success of "Cursirve: A Trilogy", Cloud Gate Dance Theater presents its latest production, called "Water Stains on the Wall."

The production was inspired by Tang dynasty Yen Jen-ching, who incorporated nature in his calligraphy styles.

In reality, water stains on the wall are the result of a long process of natural evolution, organic and unpretentious.

Dancers took a month to practice and conquer the challenges of dancing on a rigged stage and finally they are able to create an abstract work of beauty, which will be delivered to the audience in the upcoming November.

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關鍵字Calligraphy Inspiration Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Cloud Gate Dance Theater Tang Dynasty Yen Jen-ching
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