
Flora Expo Disaster Drills
2010/09/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Good morning and thanking for joining me here on CTS News. I'm Cary Chuo.

In preparation for the upcoming Taipei International Flora Expo, earthquake and fire drills were conducted at the event's operation center on Friday, under the supervision of mayor Hau Lung-bin, who said further exercises will be held to minimize the possibility of errors, and the public are more than welcome to join the effort.

Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-pin arrived at the Flora Expo operations center to plan out safety precautions against natural disasters.

A simulation video of an earthquake and fire event showed a smoke-filled venue.

Panicking civilians scream and an individual had to receive help after he lost his footing and fell.

Fortunately, fire fighters were able to arrive at the scene quickly, and after using a chainsaw to break down the doors, they hoisted the injured onto stretchers and sent them to the emergency room.

The heroes then proceeded to put out the fire with their hose.

While the video was playing, Mayor Hau looked on sternly and occasionally exchanged a word or two with workers around him.

Only after the video finished playing did Mayor Hau smile his approval.

On tenterhooks from the recent Flora Expo scandal, the mayor decided to personally supervise the arrangement this time.

But the mayor had nothing to worry as the process finished without any setbacks.

In fact, the same drills had been practice 50 times already, and organizers welcome any criticisms.

Shaking the hands of all the volunteer workers, Hau is confident that the Flora Expo will enchant the public once more.

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關鍵字Taipei International Flora Expo earthquake and fire drills Mayor Hau
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