
Oscar Award for Courageous Kids
2010/10/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It's definitely heartbreaking to see children from disadvantaged families working and making ends meet at an early age.

Today, their strong courage and contribution are being recognized at a special Oscar Awards ceremony held by Taiwan Fund for Families and Children. Now, let's celebrate their achievements once again on CTS.

12-year-old Jin-Yi is great at ballroom dancing. She looks confident and energetic.

But dancing is not just her habit but also her job. She lives with her grandparents. In order to support her family, she and her brother often perform at local temple fairs to make tips.

The young girl hopes to grow up soon and become a professional dancer so she can make more money and provide a better life for her family.

The 16-year-old Bo-Han shows his ink paintings. Life is not easy for the aspiring artist growing up in a single-parent family.

Winner of the Oscar Award Wang Bo-Han tells himself all the time that he needs to get rid of the environment by working hard.

Hsin-Yi, who grows up in an orphanage, shares her musical talent with other kids with a positive attitude.

The special Oscar Award ceremony held by Taiwan Fund for Families and Children is aimed to encourage the disadvantaged children to realize their dreams.

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關鍵字Oscar Award Courageous Kids TAIWAN Fund Jin-Yi Dreams ballroom Dancing Bo-Han
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