
Bringing Twn Opera to Europe
2010/10/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



In an effort to bring knowledge about Taiwan's cultural and artistic achievements to the world, first lady Christine Chou has embarked on a journey to Germany this past Sunday. Chou will be traveling with the talents on a performance tour around Europe, with the first show kicking off in Berlin.

Immediately after the Double Ten National Day celebration, first lady Christine Chow swaps her evening gown for a plain black T-shirt and jeans and rushes to the airport.

After passing through customs, she waves goodbye to reporters and gets ready for her flight to Germany.

As the European tour nominal head of the Ming Hwa Yuan Arts and Cultural Group, Christine Chow will be traveling with agile opera performers led by renowned performer Sun Tsui-feng.

The stage setup will be outfitted with spectacular lighting effects and 3D visuals to intensify the experience of traditional Chinese opera.

The troupe will be holding nine performances through Europe starting in Germany.

In participating in the first performance in Berlin, Christine Chow will be taking part in a foreign exchange of Taiwan's traditional cultural arts.

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關鍵字Bringing Twn opera TO Europe Taiwan's Cultural artistic achievements first lady Christine Chou
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