
Personality Conquers
2010/10/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



He is no Brad Pitt in the dog world, but this little furry pal is loved by many in his community. His highly praised talents are becoming the talk around the block, crowning him as the most popular four-legged creature in town.

It's the personality that counts.

In Kaohsiung City, Ah Bai is quite the charmer. Twirling in circles, he lightens up the crowd with his numerous tricks. Ah Bai, which means, ugly in Taiwanese, was given that name because of his abnormality. He was extremely ill when he was found on the street, but his life was completely turned around after he was adopted by this loving family, Mr. and Mrs. Chiang, who made sure he received the treatment he needed.

The owner said, "We put medicine on him, got him shots, and made sure he was fully recovered".

Although his lost portion of his jaw, and only one nostril is functioning, making his eating procedure harder than usual, Ah Bai remains a happy pooch. Now, he is in the best shape he has ever been. The "not so attractive" Ah Bai overtakes the rest with his inner beauty, becoming the favorite one in the neighborhood.

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關鍵字family Loving ugly Bai Ah dog Conquers Personality
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