
Election War Heats Up
2010/10/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With less than a month left before the year-end elections, President Ma Ying-jeou gave a pep talk to KMT lawmakers on Wednesday, urging them to offer full support for the party's candidates. Ma emphasized that the KMT cannot afford another electoral defeat.

At the transfer ceremony of the new caucus in the nationalist party, KMT, the president, also the chairman, Ma Ying-jeou delivered the certificate to the party members in person.

He also took this chance to boost the confidence and morale of the party members, saying that since there is only a month left till the 2010 Metropolitan Election, everyone should gather their strength and effort and make the best they can to win this because the winning relies on the group effort of the party.

Also, to do as he preaches, President Ma also attended at the opening ceremony of the Taichung mayor candidate, Jason Hus campaign headquarters on the 13th, along with the president of the Legislative Yuan, Wang Jing-ping, and two other honorary members of the party - Lien Chan and Wu Poh-hsiung.

As for the oppositional candidate Su Jia-chuan, who also set up his campaign headquarters at the same time took a milder approach by inviting his visually impaired his mother-in-law to his event, along with the visually impaired support groups to show that he cares.

Other than the minority groups, Su also invited the former premier, Frank Hsieh, too boost his popularity amongst the people.

With these two campaign headquarters setting up on the same day in Taichung, the war between blue-green has also heated up.

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關鍵字election WAR Heats up year-end elections President MA Ying-jeou KMT lawmakers party's candidates
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