
Kaohsiung Mayoral Debate
2010/10/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



In election news, an open debate for Kaohsiung mayoral candidates is on the horizon, as all three hopefuls have agreed to participate in the event to be organized by the city's election commission. And further discussions will be held over details of the format.

The Kaohsiung City Election Commission allowed mayoral candidates to vote on whether they preferred to take part in political forums or a debate, and all three candidates opted for the latter.

The commission will meet with the candidates next Monday to discuss the event in further detail.

At the same time, negotiations for a proposed media-organized debate have stalled, and both Yang Chiu-hsing and Huang Chao-shun are saying that Chen Chu has no intentions of taking part.

According to Yang, only a public debate can help voters understand each of the candidates' political positions.

In response, Chen said that she is perfectly willing to take part in any debate.

While each candidate clearly has his or her own agenda, voters in Kaohsiung are assured of at least one debate before they head to the polls next month.

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關鍵字Kaohsiung mayoral debate Kaohsiung City election Commission media-organized debate agenda
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