
Bb Cream Faces Accusation
2010/10/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It's Korea fever in Taiwan, and even their widely used cosmetic item, BB cream, also known as Blemish Balm, has become increasingly popular among the ladies here on the island. But now, one particular brand, IPKN, is facing accusation of having a fluorescent substance in its BB cream, which can pose a threat to the human body. The product's fate is still unknown until further evaluation.

Many women love to use blemish balm, but many should be careful about purchasing these products because of the ingredients! This drug store chain selling IPKN blemish balm was found contain fluorescent agents.

A number of consumer complaints led Taipei City's Department of Health to inspect the product early in the morning to clarify the facts around this case. Doctors say that fluorescent agents can reflect light, and are used in cosmetics that can make the skin appear lighter.

But actually when the artificial fluorescent agent is put into contact with those that are more prone to skin allergies, and if it accidentally enters the body, it can hurt the liver and kidneys.

The Department of Health says that only facial masks can use such fluorescent agents and other cosmetics companies who do it without prior permission will be subject to a fine and product recall. Currently this IPKN blemish balm is being recalled from drug store shelves as the DOH says that tests will take about a week.

As to whether it plans a complete ban on cosmetic fluorescent agents, it says that it will invite experts and scholars to discuss this issue.

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關鍵字BB CREAM FACES Accusation Korea cosmetic item Blemish Balm Taipei City's department of health Liver kidneys
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