
Soong Backs Yang for Mayor
2010/10/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



In the Kaohsiung mayoral race, former Pan-Blue presidential hopeful James Soong officially gave his support to independent candidate Yang Chiu-hsing on Sunday, which many believe will have a negative impact on the campaign of KMT's Huang Chao-shun. But Huang remains optimistic about her chances.


An unlikely camaraderie seemed to have formed between two politicians from different ends of the political spectrum.

James Soong, former Pan Blue heavyweight and current chairman of PFP, openly stumped for ex-DPP member Yang Chiu-hsing on Sunday and endorsed him as the best choice of the Kaohsiung mayoral race.

"He is not only a five-star magistrate, but also the number one candidate," he says.

Soong stressed that the situation of Yang, who is running as an independent without the backing of any party, mirrored his own during the presidential election in 2000, so empathy also played a part in his decision this time.

Meanwhile, the KMT candidate Huang Chao-shun is widely considered as a victim of Soong's recent move, which may further diminish her share of pan-blue votes.

But Huang herself didn't see it that way.

"I believe Mr. Soong was there to convince Yangs supporters to vote for me instead."

Even though Songs influence isn't what it used to be, at critical times of elections, the once-beloved ex-governor of Taiwan is still a force to be reckoned with.

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關鍵字Soong Backs Yang for Mayor Kaohsiung mayoral race pan-blue Yang Chiu-hsing ex-DPP member KMT candidate Huang Chao-shun
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