
Taiwanese Puppet Big in Japan
2010/10/18 06:45 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



Documentary filmmaker Yang Li-Chou is currently producing a film on Chen Hsi-Huang, the son of renowned puppet master Lee Tien-Lu, who is also a puppet expert. "Red Box" has not yet premiered in Taiwan, but has been well-received after it was broadcasted on Japan's NHK last month.

Opening the red box, puppet master Chen Hsi-huang picks up three sticks of incense and offers up a prayer to the theater deity.

Documentary filmmaker Yang Li-chou has spent the past five years at Chen's side, and recently finished producing a documentary on Chen's life.

The film includes a great deal of archival footage from the early days of Taiwanese puppet theater.

Back then, puppet theater was performed in tents outside temples and attracted large crowds. Nowadays, the art has fallen to the wayside.

Chen is now in his 80s and says that his goal is to pass the art on to the next generation, and that he would be happy to teach anyone willing to learn.

His selfless spirit has touched many hearts, and the film was extremely well-received when it was broadcast on Japan's NHK last month.

It can be said that Taiwanese puppet theater is now garnering worldwide attention.

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關鍵字Taiwanese puppet BIG IN JAPAN documentary filmmaker Yang Li-Chou CHEN Hsi-Huang LEE Tien-lu red Box
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