
Cloud Gate Founder's New Book
2010/10/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



World-renowned choreographer Lin Hwai-min is going to release his new book, which not only portrays his journey on the tasks of dancing over the past 40 years but also gives his observation on domestic art and cultural development. Here on CTS, we have more details.

Cloud Gate founder and choreographer Lin Hwai-min's new book details his successes and failures over the past four decades.

In the book, Lin recalls how Cloud Gate was founded and the troupe's historic achievements in his own unique voice.

Lin's performances and choreography have touched innumerable hearts over the years, and audiences around the world have gotten to know Taiwan through Cloud Gate.

Lin published his first novel at the age of 14, and it can be said that he started out as a writer.

His new book takes readers on an emotional journey that is aimed at encouraging young people to pursue their dreams.

At his press conference, Lin invited many old friends to speak about their memories of the early days.

The 300-page book covers forty years of Lin's life, and is a testament to Taiwan's cultural journey.

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關鍵字World-renowned choreographer LIN Hwai-min release book observation domestic Art Cultural Development
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