
Regaining Normality
2010/10/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



People are struggling to regain some normality in their lives after Typhoon Megi relentlessly ravaged the island. With the intense rain leaving us, it is still not enough to calm the worries. The rescue effort is still underway around the Suhua Highway, and flood victims are managing to recollect themselves after the heavy destruction. Now, we are taking you to witness the devastation people are facing here in Taiwan.

On the day when Typhoon Megi approached Taiwan, many places, particularly Suao, were flooded to two stories high.

Now, many places are either still under water or caked with mud.

And since the drainage system is still not completed, many people are still cleaning up the mess by hand.

As Monday approaches, many still have to remain at home to clean up their home.

On the streets, many soldiers and volunteers have also gathered to clear out the trash on the streets and in the drainpipes.

Many fire engines have also arrived at Suao from Taichung and all the northern part of Taiwan to help cleaning up the mud on the streets.

So far, more than 2,500 soldiers and 1,000 volunteers have been sent to Suao to assist the locals to restore their family and town, and hopefully, with their help, the people in Suao will soon return to their normal lives.

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關鍵字Regaining Normality typhoon Megi Suhua Highway flood victims heavy destruction
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