
A Father's Last Wish
2010/10/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



It is the happiest day for the 52-year-old cancer patient, who is counting down his days. Unable to walk his daughter down the aisle, a small ceremony was held in the hospital, where his daughter and husband-in-law had the chance to show their gratitude in person.

The couple walked into a reception room in the hospital instead of the church.

Presider of the wedding of the bride's side is 52-year-old Mr. Chao, who has terminal esophageal cancer.

He even put on a shirt, trying to look good for the event.

However, it was very emotional seeing his daughter in a white wedding gown.

He was all choked up.

His daughter asked him to get well soon.

Mr. Chao held tight the hands of his son-in-law, asking him to take good care of his daughter.

Suffering from terminal cancer, Mr. Chao couldn't even walk.

His daughter is to move to Pingtung after getting married.

He can't be at the wedding.

So the ceremony of bidding farewell to parents was moved to the hospital.

Although it was an emotional event, where everyone was teary, they took the family photo together and the newlywed promised to forever be a happy couple.

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關鍵字Father Last Wish Cancer patient wedding
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