
Ballot Position of Taipei Election
2010/10/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Good morning and thank you for watching CTS News. I'm Cary Chuo.

First, in politics,

Candidates of the year-end elections were scheduled to draw for ballot position on Friday. And in Taipei, the incumbent mayor Hau Long-bin will be listed as second on the ballot, while his rival, Su Tseng-chan of DPP, will be positioned fifth.

Taipei City Mayor candidate Hau Lung-pin of the KMT party beams at having drawn the number two.

He immediately incorporates the number into his campaign chant to the cheers and applause of his fellow party members.

Not to be outdone, the DPP immediately begins rallying for support as well.

While Hau personally attended the number drawing, DPP candidate Su Tseng-chang not only did not show up, he neglected to send a representative to draw the number.

In the end, the host drew out the number 5 for Su.

Su's absence at the number draw was evidently due to an administrative investigation trip he made during the same time, and he did not care what number he ended up with.

The five municipalities are making their last sprints in the upcoming elections, but the lots will determine their numbers.

Of the four candidates of the Taipei and Xinbei city elections, only Hau was present at the draw.

Xinbei City candidates Eric Chu and Tsai Ing-wen both found representatives and ended up with the numbers 1 and 2, respectively.

The two candidates continued to focus their attention on their campaigns instead, taking advantage of their last opportunities to draw public support.

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關鍵字politics candidates year-end elections ballot position Taipei Hau Long-bin Su Tseng-chan XinBei City
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