
Internet Triumphs
2010/11/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



In Taichung, a little boy suffered from hearing loss on his left ear after undergoing a surgery for dizziness that occurred over a long period of time. With the assistance of the Internet and its translating function, the father of the young victim managed to sue the doctor for wrong diagnosis.

Mr. Lin is holding two medical histories in English on his lap. The notes in orange and red color are indicating the differences between these two versions. On the original documents, his son's serial number was 13, whereas the number on the modified one has been changed to 15.

Also, on the original one was written, that the left ear was damaged, whereas on the modified one, the function ability has been changed to deaf.

Actually, Mr. Lin does not speak any words of English despite than under

Since this case has been put on court, the representative of the certain hospital said, that the new change was more like supplementary information than falsified diagnose.

Due to the lawsuit and the evidence which has been provided by Mr. Lin, they are waiting now for further investigation, meanwhile, the prosecutor has already accused the responsible doctor Liu for counterfeiting documents.

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關鍵字INTERNET Triumphs Hearing loss ear dizziness wrong diagnosis
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