
Attractive Perks
2010/11/05 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It's like a battle zone at the annual sales of a Kaohsiung department store. Thousands of people sacrificed their sleeping time to fight for the limited amount of free gifts and discounted items.

Right at the second when the door has been opened, thousands of people stormed in. In less than one minute, many long waiting lines were formed, and one could hardly tell where the end was!

This cosmetic sales person couldn't keep her elegance anymore and started shouting with high volume, while trying to organize the long line.

The annual celebration in Kaohsiung's department store kicked off with big promotion!

Big discounts and 200 products free of charge are prepared. One could get brand lingerie, dietary supplements and cosmetics.

All these benefits have made countless people come here in the early morning, long before the opening time!

Shortly before the opening, people were squeezing through each other. While customers were running to catch the discounts, sales person were also hurrying to cashier to help paying bills.

The whole scene looks like a big race! Every competitor showed great eagerness and behaved aggressively to reach the goal! All the gifts were given out within a few seconds!

For those who were not so lucky, they could still get the limited present if their spending of the day reached a certain level.

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關鍵字Attractive perks Kaohsiung department store annual sales
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