
Taiwan to Raise Poverty Line
2010/11/05 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In helping more disadvantaged families, the Ministry of the Interior has proposed to amend the Social Assistance Act in the Legislative Yuan, which will raise the poverty line and expand public aid to lower-middle income households.

In recent years, the economic downturn has left many families with unstable incomes.

However, these families are often excluded from the benefits of social welfare.

In order to broaden the program to benefit underprivileged families, the Legislature passed the preliminary review of amendment draft to the Social Assistance Law, which decides to adjust the poverty line.

That according to the proposed law, the poverty line in Taipei City would be raised to 14,614 NTD. The figure is up from 9,828 NTD to 10,244 NTD in the regions other than the five special municipalities.

Once the revision takes effect, the number of households that receive government assistance will increase to 850,000 people, with the expected expenditure exceeding 4.3 billion NTD in the first year.

To expand the coverage of underprivileged families eligible for certain types of government assistance, the draft also adds a group of lower-middle-income households.

But lawmakers across the political spectrum haven't reached a consensus on details such as total family income and real estate asset.

Therefore it is unknown whether the draft could pass its third reading before the legislative term ends by next January.

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關鍵字TAIWAN TO Raise poverty line The Ministry of The Interior Legislative Yuan social assistance Act lower-middle income households
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