
Ntu, Cuhk to Cooperate
2010/11/07 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In an attempt to advance medical research, National Taiwan University and the Chinese University in Hong Kong have signed an agreement to set up a joint clinical research center for the study of diseases commonly seen in Chinese people.

National Taiwan University's Clinical Research Center was established in 2005 with an annual investment of over one hundred million NT$ to fund for new drug development, clinical trials of drugs and gene research.

This leads to the average annual output of 10 top level research papers each year.

The quality of this research is one of the reasons why National Taiwan University is considered a world-class university.

But how to make this research even more out

The two will jointly establish a Joint Clinical Research Center, focusing on common cancers afflicting Chinese people, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.

Taiwan's implementation of the national health insurance system has medical history that can be integrated with clinical research in Hong Kong.

The cooperation is thought to bring synergy and in addition to seminars, intern doctors at various hospitals will be able to communicate and enhance the standard of medical care and research and development.

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關鍵字Ntu, Cuhk TO Cooperate advance Medical Research Chinese University Hong clinical Research Center Kong
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