
Danger of Sugary Beverages
2010/11/08 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



If you have a sweet tooth, you should be more wary when it comes to craving for sugary beverages. Experts are warning that the artificial fructose found in drinks may put you at risk for hypertension, high blood cholestrol, high blood sugar, as well as senile dementia.

Convenient stores are on every block in a city district.

Worker and students are quick to pick up a sugary beverage to quench their thirsts or complement their meals.

However, consumers beware, as nutritionists have found that a common 700cc beverage contains 70 grams of sugar, equivalent to the caloric value of 4 to 5 medium sized fruits.

In addition, many of these drinks contain high amounts of artificial fructose which will induce hunger if imbibed in larged amounts.

This means, consumers of the beverages will wind up eating more and drinking more, causing them to be at risk of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high blood fat content, and senior dementia.

Nutritionists emphasize that only sugars derived from honey, fruits, and vegetable roots are natural sweeteners.

Fruit drinks, sports drinks, and yogurts on the market all use low cost artificial fructose as additives.

Health experts are advising the public to drink water instead of sugary beverages to quench thirsts so as not negatively impact their health.

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關鍵字Artificial fructose health danger of Sugary Beverages hypertension HIGH blood cholestrol HIGH blood sugar dementia
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