
Doing the Right Thing
2010/11/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



A ten-year-old boy found 1,000 NT dollars while he was riding his bicycle near his home. Instead of pocketing it, he brought it in to the police. Now, let's meet the young individual who did the right thing.

Accompanied by his father, fifth grader Wei-cheng arrives at the police station, hands a 1,000 NT bill over to a puzzled officer, and tells the officer that he found the cash and wants to return it to its rightful owner.

Wei-cheng found the bill while playing and riding his bike outside his apartment building. He initially thought that it was a fake advertisement bill, but brought it home to his father to make sure.

When he found out that it was real, Wei-cheng immediately asked his father to bring him to the police station.

When his classmates heard the news, they applauded and praised him.

Wei-cheng was embarrassed by the attention, but said that he has always been taught by his parents and teachers that he shouldn't keep things that don't belong to him no matter the amount or value.

Wei-cheng is not only a role model for his peers, but for society as a whole.

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關鍵字bill advertisement fake Wei-cheng Station police Thing Right The Doing
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