
Cell Phone Users Overcharged?
2010/10/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



If you're wondering why your phone bill is so expensive, you are not alone on this one. Among the survey conducted with 11 countries and regions, Taiwan is found to have the fifth highest cell phone rate, and ranks fourth when it comes to texting. The Consumers' Foundation believes that telecom companies should lower their rates, but the NCC says it has just been adjusted few years ago. The conclusion is, we probably won't get a reduction for at least another 2 years.

On April 1st, the NCC announced to lower the cell phone plan by 5.78%.

Although mobile phone rates have been reduced for three years in a row, an international survey shows that Taiwan's phone and text plans are still too high.

While the service charge for Japan, U.S., and Canada is among the highest, ranging from 5 to 10 NT$ per minute, Taiwan ranks no. 5 on the list with a charge of 3.7 NTD per minute, exactly 1 NTD pricier than South Korea.

The service plans in Hong Kong and India are the lowest.

Besides, the charge of sending text message in Taiwan is no. 4 in the world.

Consumers' Foundation believes the cell phone plan in Taiwan could be lowered by another 25% to 35%.

In its response, the NCC says the statistics that says Taiwan is the no. 5 country for the highest phone service is not exactly fair.

But it's always the NCC's priority to lower the prices.

The NCC says it will review telecommunication service fee in every three to four years.

Therefore the next readjustment should occur in two years.

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關鍵字Foundation Consumers' ㄒhe expensive bill PHONE Overcharged Users PHONE cell
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