
Medicine Delivered to Your Door
2010/11/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With the implementation of National Health Insurance program, the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan has also undergone a lot of changes, including the traditional pharmaceutical salesmen who used to deliver medicine to their clients' homes in remote areas.

There are various kinds of over-the-counter medicines inside the old backpack that has been used for nearly 40 years.

A Huwei township resident Shih Song-chu has been delivering medicine to local residents since early days when medical service and transportation were underdeveloped.

But since the national health insurance system was implemented, the number of his clients is sliding.

According to Shih, he became a salesperson for a pharmaceutical company since he was 18.

Back then, he had more than a thousand clients and had to visit 20 to 30 places a day.

He can finish a round of visit in a month.

But now the number of locations is down to 30.

There are less than 10 persons in the country doing this job.

However, he decides to continue the practice.

The elder says back in the 50's and 60's, medicine salespersons also sold daily goods such as soysauce and others.

So now delivering medicine is like his chance to visit friends.

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關鍵字Door your TO Delivered medicine implementation of national health Insurance program Shih Song-chu
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