
Castration for Sex Criminals?
2010/11/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Should sex criminals be punished by chemical castration? This issue has been brought up by several women organizations, and Interior Minister Jiang Yi-huah said that it should be considered as a type of chemical treatment. He adds that the Ministry of the Interior will respond to the public opinion when a consensus is reached.

The Ministry of the Interior will convene the first national women's congress on March 7th and 8th next year.

On Wednesday, Interior Minister Jiang Yi-huah addressed the issue of chemical castration for sex offenders and said that the ministry will respond to public opinion if a consensus is reached.

Jiang further said that chemical castration should actually be termed "chemical treatment" as drugs are used to control hormones.

The issue is currently a hot topic, and women's groups say that they hope to reach a consensus through public discussion.

A number of legislators have expressed concerns that ankle monitors, which are the current method used to monitor sex offenders, are not particularly effective.

More than 50% of legislators have expressed support for chemical castration.

Many civic groups are calling for the promulgation of a Taiwanese version of Megan's Law to make information on registered sex offenders publicly available.

Jiang is also stressing the importance of psychotherapy, and says that the ministry is collecting information and recommendations from experts as relevant laws will need to be amended.

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關鍵字SEX criminals punish chemical castration treatment Interior Minister Jiang Yi-huah
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