
Art Works on Line
2010/11/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In an attempt to attract young buyers, a domestic art gallery has auctioned 10 selected paintings through on-line shopping networks. Here on CTS, let's take a look at the more convenient way to get closer to art.

Artist Dai Bih-in, a long-time resident in Spain, utilized a handmade paper canvas to create a painting with simple freestyle.

The online auction price for his artwork starts at 560 thousand NTD.

Late Taiwanese painter Jiang Han-dong's artwork depicting family values starts off at 8 thousand NTD.

A local art gallery which has been established for 30 years has recently teamed up with an auction platform to promote theses artworks of ten local artists.

The artworks will be displayed at the art gallery and auctioned off online.

The art gallery says it hopes to attract more art fans through the convenience of the internet and as a result is also promoting an artpiece by Li Shih-ciao which depicts Hsindian's landscape and is valued over one million NTD.

However, most of the artworks selected for the online auction were chosen because of their appeal to the younger crowd.

The online auction prices are also generally lower than the pricing at art galleries.

The art gallery will even provide a guarantee of authenticity.

However, we'll have to wait and see whether a cyber art auction is popular with buyers.

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關鍵字line on works Art artist Dai Bih-in Jiang Han-dong Li Shih-ciao
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