
Gifts for 5 Millionth Visitor
2010/11/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A big prize for the number five millionth visitor in Taiwan. A lucky woman from Japan was gifted with a prepaid credit card worth 500,000 NT dollars and 500 souvenirs on Friday. The Tourism Bureau also said that Taiwan is expected to hit the 5.4 million visitors mark by the end of this year, which will be the highest record ever.

This is Ms. Mistu Sui Kimura from Japan, who is the 5 millionth visitor arriving Taiwan from Mandarin Airline.

Other than getting a NT$500,000 worth of credit, there is also 500 gifts from the Tourism Bureau.

Ms. Kimura said that she is overwhelmed by such surprise and hospitality.

This is the first time for Ms. Kimura to visit Taiwan, and having a four-day holiday, the tour has planned the National Palace Museum, Chang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, drinking tea in Maokong, as well as trying out street food from the night markets.

According to the Tourism Bureau, this year, tourists visiting Taiwan have reached to more than 5m and will reach to nearly NT$2.4b worth of foreign exchange.

Chinese tourists also take up the most among international tourists to Taiwan, to 1.3m people in total.

The bureau also estimated optimistically that the numbers of tourists will reach to 5.4m this year, making it a record high for Taiwan.

In the future, the bureau will continue to collaborate with the lantern festival, hotspring businesses, restaurants,

and bicycle businesses to promote the 100th year celebration of Taiwan, marketing Taiwan to the whole world and breaking the 6m visitors record by the end of next year.

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關鍵字Gifts for 5 Millionth visitor Ms. Mistu Sui Kimura JAPAN Lucky Woman Tourism Bureau
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