
Big Win for Taiwanese Stars
2010/11/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



At the Chinese-language film industry's biggest annual event, Taiwanese filmmakers and actors have kept the major wins in Taiwan. Taiwanese director Chung Mong-hong snatched the Best Director award, Ethan Juan was named Best Leading Actor, and "When Love Comes" received the Best Feature Film award.

Showing up on stage with a life size card board cut out of his good friend Mark Chao, 28-year-old actor Ethan Juan picked up the highly coveted Best Actor award for his out

The last time when a Taiwanese actor scored such award was back in 1999, when veteran actor Ko Chun-hsiung won the

Chinese actress Lv Li-ping, grabbed best actress for her role as a working-class single mother struggling with a rebellious son in "City Monkey."

The family drama "When Love Comes", by Taiwan's Chang Tso-chi, captured best picture at the ceremony as well as Best Cinematography and Best Art design.

Another film from Taiwan, "The Fourth Portrait", which examines domestic violence and prostitution, garnered a best director award for Chung Mong-hong.

The movie also grabs the awards of Best Supporting Actress and the Out

Opened with relatively good box office revenue, "Seven Days in Heaven" won the Best Supporting Actor award, and the movie's director Essay Liu snatched the award of Best Adapted Screenplay.

All in all, Taiwanese movies cleaned up on Saturday in the Golden Horse Awards, it is a great year for local cinema.

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關鍵字BIG win for Taiwanese Stars Golden Horse awards filmmakers actors The best director Chung Mong-hong Award
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