
Solving Math While Under Knife?
2010/12/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



To check on how his brain was reacting to the surgery, the doctor woke him up to test on his math skills while he was under the knife for a brain tumor. The operation has been successful, and now he jokes that he is probably the first one in Taiwan who had to calculate, while his head was literally opened.

Captured on this videotape made by the hospital is a clear look at this surgery performed on Mr. Dai, whose brain is cut open and who has been wakened from his anesthesia to communicate with the nurse.

If we listen closely, he is not simply talking but carefully doing some math problems.

Few can believe that a patient would be asked to do math during a surgery, potentially compounding the pain.

Doctors who had put him under with an anesthesia later woke him to answer some of the questions on the board with this quiz. One more math question is posed as Mr. Dai's tumor may potentially affect his language ability.

For this reason, doctors have been careful when removing it, as they communicate next to him, as he is still able to make these calculations.

This means the position where they are removing the tumor won't influence him in the future.

For this reason, Mr. Dai had to go through these painful calculations.

In the end, the surgery was very successful, and he can't believe that this really took place during his surgery.

Now he wears a hat over where he had the operation, as he believes that he is probably the first person in Taiwan who had to answer math questions when his brain was being operated on.

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關鍵字Solving Math While under knife calculate Math Skills BRAIN tumor
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