
Cold Front Hits Next Week
2010/12/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A sandstorm just hit Taiwan yesterday, which has seriously affected the air quality of the island and its effects may last until the end of today. Also, the first cold front this year is expected to arrive next Tuesday, and the temperatures will likely drop to 12 to 13 degrees Celsius.

The second sandstorm this year has reached Taiwan, covering Taipei 101 in a thick cloak of dust.

Even the streets and buildings neighboring 101 seem barely visible.

If you take a tissue paper and wipe across a window pane, the tissue immediately turns up a thick layer of dust.

Car owners who parked their vehicles outdoors should expect their vehicles to be covered in dust.

Meanwhile, due to increasing Northeast seasonal winds, the discrepancy between the morning and evening temperatures will be greater.

In open areas along the sea coast, wind velocity reached up to 8 - 10 knots, seeming to tear up the grass by the roots.

Although luckily the Northeast seasonal winds will decrease in strength towards the weekend, the nice weather will only last for three days.

Next Tuesday, the first cold front of this winter will reach Taiwan.

Temperatures are expected to drop to 12 - 13 degrees Celsius.

People heading outdoors are advised to dress warmly.

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關鍵字Week Next Hits Front Cold Taipei 101 northeast seasonal WINDS temperature
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