
Paul Gauguin Exhibition Opens
2010/12/06 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A major exhibition of the works by French Post-Impressionist artist Paul Gauguin is now available to the public at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Titled "Gauguin: Elsewhere", which will run until next February, you can expect to see some of the master's most celebrated paintings, such as "Three Tahitians."

This is a collection from the National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, by the famous Impressionist artist, Gauguin, two years before he passed away, and a representative piece of the late period of his exile in the Oceania.

Born in 1848, Paris, France, Gauguin spent his childhood with his mother in Peru, South America.

He had been a sailor, a stockbroker in Paris, but when French stock market crashed in 1882, he began his artistic career.

He had always wanted to move away from urban life and be a barbarian, so he moved to a small fishing village in Brittany, France and created this Martinique Landscape with vibrant colors.

Then Van Gogh invited him to stay with him in Arre, France.

Even though Van Gogh had always looked up to Gauguin, their personalities clashed and fights persisted which led to Van Gogh's breakdown of cutting his own left ear.

This Gauguin exhibition, "Gauguin: Elsewhere", is organized by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and has borrowed pieces from nine countries and 19 galleries, also from various foundations, and private collectors from all over the world, a total of 86 pieces.

Hopefully with this exhibition, more people in Taiwan will get to understand and have an insight on this passionate yet mysterious artist.

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關鍵字French Post-Impressionist artist Paul Gauguin exhibition opens Taipei fine arts Museum Gauguin: Elsewhere Three Tahitians
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