
Tpe's Digital Arts Fair
2010/12/09 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The 5th annual Taipei Digital Arts Fair has ended, with a record number of artists participating in this year's event.

More than 120 works are being displayed, with the talents hoping to show visitors something different.

The rainbows shoot up in the wall when you softly touch the water balls to become a graffiti wall.

This interactive art work allows visitors to become artists themselves.

It was designed by 2nd year graduate student Lee Jingling. She said she came up with this idea because she wanted to remember her childhood.

This work, en

It won first place at this year's Austria Electronic Arts Fair.

Kurokawa uses 5 painting backgrounds, combined with electricity, to create a beautiful sound piece.

The Taipei Digital Arts Fair, which is in its fifth year, was held at Bopiliao.

But, because it's being held in an old and historical neighborhood, it has been difficult to set up the fair.

There are over 150 domestic and foreign artists that have participated, with over 120 works on display, making this the largest in history.

Every space in Bopiliao has been used, hoping to give visitors a different experience.

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關鍵字fair arts Digital Tpe's Taipei Digital arts fair Austria electronic arts fair electricity
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