
Cloud Computing, Your Walking Storage
2010/12/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



To prevent cramming the memory of your gadget with all your personal files and hobbies, why not turn to cloud computing services to store it for you. By inputting your playlist in the network, you will be able to listen to your favorite tunes, wherever you go, as long as there is Internet access.

The increasing popularity of cloud computing services is being apparent in fields such as entertainment as network storage allows one to listen to music but not transfer it as it will automatically save music in this cloud network and not waste your hard-disk storage space.

Even when you are on the go you can enjoy listening to music without interruption.

Musicians say that they when they meet people and friends they frequently need to bring a demo which is either on a flash drive or they must burn a CD.

Now, everything can be done on the network which is really convenient.

Currently there are many virtual hard disks available on the internet so consumers can store photos, audio and video of various media.

You can also share this with friends, but some music has copyright restrictions, as it can only be accessed by the user alone either on mobile phones, tablet PCs, or other mediums.

The increasing popularity of portable devices has made this cloud network a gradually more important part of consumer life.

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關鍵字Cloud computing your Walking Storage network Cloud computing services Tunes INTERNET access
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