
Hu Announced Key Cabinet Picks
2010/12/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Greater Taichung Mayor-elect Jason Hu has recently announced his appointments of key officials for the new administration, most of whom are current executives in the Taichung city government. A local politician has therefore complained that the county is not sufficiently represented in the new cabinet, but Hu explained he has already done his best to maintain a balance between both sides.

Taichung mayor Jason Hu recently announced the list of his administration's high-ranking officials.

Twelve of them are from Taichung City and eight of them from Taichung County.

Some DPP county councilmen believe the deployment plan lacks the county and city balance.

The councilmen believe that Taichung County is huge with diverse local culture.

But from the appointment list, only eight of the top-ranking officials are from Taichung County.

Compared with the number of 10 from Taichung City, the percentage gap is quite significant.

Jason Hu said that the process of making the list is not easy but he gave his best as he needs to respect the officials' personal views and capability of being able to do the job instantly.

The mayor says he will announce the list of his vice mayors a bit later than scheduled as he needs to listen to more opinions of people from Taichung County.

He admits the negotiation process is not as easy as he imagined but he is trying to be fair and balanced.

Since there are only a few days left before the merger on December 25th, Hu says the government bureaus will continue to service the public, hoping the integration can be done in a seamless and smooth order.

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關鍵字Greater Taichung Mayor-elect JASON Hu announced key Cabinet Picks NEW Administration The Taichung City government
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