
Hu And Su Register for Race
2010/09/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Incumbent Taichung mayor Jason Hu and DPP's candidate Su Jia-chuang have registered to be part of the mayoral race in the Greater Taichung yesterday morning. Both candidates have delivered their promises to the public. Hu says his priority will be solving the transportation problem in the Lishan area while Su emphasized his focus on improving the overall safety and security for the people.

KMT politicians of Taichung City and County gathered at the occasion and yelled "Victory" for the party's Taichung mayoral candidate Jason Hu, who seeks re-election.

Accompanied by former Taichung mayor Lin Bo-ron, Hu completed the registration at 9:30 this morning.

He emphasized that he took a leave to register here, adding that he wishes to engage in an election with high ethical standards and that his top priority is to solve the remote traffic problems of Lishan.

DPP's candidate Su Jia-chuan signed up at 10 in the morning, accompanied by former Taichung mayor Chang Wen-yin.

Responding to Hu's call for a highly ethical election, Su promised that his first priority is to improve the social order in Taichung City, if he is elected.

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關鍵字Hu and Su Register for race Incumbent Taichung Mayor JASON Hu DPP Su Jia-chuang Greater Taichung KMT
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