
A Growing Medical Tourism Market
2010/12/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



Taiwan's advanced medical technology has made the island one of the top medical tourism destinations in the world. Recently, a group of top executives from the cosmetic surgery industry in Jiansu, China, has arranged a 6-day trip to Taichung, to experience the high quality medical and cosmetic services in Taiwan.

The guests from the premium tour group from Jiansu province arrived at the hospital in Salu of Taichung and they are to get top-tiered healthy check-ups in an exclusive VIP room.

The guests are actually managers of Chinese medical and cosmetic centers.

During this trip to Taiwan, they can appreciate

the views of Taichung harbor and get a premium health check-up package,

which includes brain MRI, lung cancer screening.

If they want, they can also get some

procedures done in the top-end cosmetic center.

The 18 guests on the tour hope to experience

Taiwan's high-quality medical service while appreciating Taiwan's beauty.

The medical tour group is a collaboration of the hospital and a travel agency,

which is hope to incorporate tourism resources in Central Taiwan to attract Chinese tourists to receive medical treatment in Taiwan.

The 6-day-5-night package tour costs 20,000 RMB.

According to the hospital's estimation, about one tour comes to Taiwan to receive such service in every two weeks and this new line of business is expected to bring in business opportunities worth ten millions of NTD.

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關鍵字A growing Medical Tourism market Taiwan's advanced Medical Technology HIGH quality Medical cosmetic services
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