
Cold Weather Poses Health Risks
2011/01/11 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The temperatures have since dropped drastically because of the cold front. For the next few days, expect the wet weather to affect northern and central part of Taiwan, according to the Central Weather Bureau. With the increasing number of people paying visits to the hospitals, doctors are warning those who have a history of strokes and heart diseases to be extra cautious.

Hospitals are filled with people as continental cold fronts hit Taiwan. The dropping temperature has also contributed to the increasing number of patients with chronic diseases, such as strokes and myocardial infarction.

Doctors said many patients fail to have good control over their blood pressure during cold days and once symptoms such as dizziness or high blood pressure appear, patients are highly advised to go to the emergency rooms instead of going to outpatient clinics.

The temperature is expected to reach 10 degrees Celsius in north and northeastern areas of Taiwan, while it is possible to reach 9 degrees Celsius in open areas. Provided there is sufficient moisture, the bureau forecasted there will be snow in mountainous areas at altitudes of above 3,000 meters on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Central Weather Bureau expects that the chilly and rainy weather will last until Thursday.

However, a second cold front will arrive Taiwan on Thursday and people are advised to keep themselves warm.

In the following week, Northern Taiwan will experience cold and rainy weather. The public should wear warmer clothes during early morning and the evening. Also, people with cardiovascular diseases should drink sufficient water to prevent strokes caused by thick blood.

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關鍵字Risks health Poses Weather Cold TEMPERATURES continental Cold myocardial infarction
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